Mar 22, 2025  


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Abbott, Kevin (2017) Lecturer of Mathematics. BS, University of South Carolina, 2001; MS, Texas A & M University, 2003; PhD, Texas A & M University, 2007.

Adams, Jeffery H. (2005) Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management. BA, Miami University, 1979; MBA, Xavier University, 1989; PhD, The George Washington University, 2004.

Agboka, Godwin (2010) Associate Professor of English. BA, University of Ghana, 2003; MA, Illinois State University, 2006; PhD, 2010.

Ahmad, Janice (2006) Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. BS, Northern Michigan University, 1978; MS, Michigan State University, 1993; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 2001.

Allaire, Franklin (2016) Assistant Professor of Education. BS, Delaware Valley College, 2000; MEd, 2007; PhD, 2014.

Alford, Beverly (2016) Assistant Professor of Education. BS, Texas A&M University, 1995; MEd, University of Houston 2007; Texas A&M University, PhD, 2011.

Ali, Syed (2014) Lecturer of Management Information Systems. BS, University of Sind, 1967; MS, Pratt University, 1973.

Allen, Austin (2002) Associate Professor of History. BA, University of Houston, 1993; MA, 1996; PhD, 2001.

Alvarez, José E. (1996) Professor of History. AA, Miami-Dade Community College, 1975; BA, Florida Atlantic University, 1977; MA, 1981; PhD, Florida State University, 1995.

Anderson, Kristin J. (2002) Professor of Psychology. BA, San Diego State University, 1990; MA, 1994; PhD, University of California-Santa Cruz, 1998.

Angert, Cory J. (2012) Visiting Assistant Professor of Management. BBA, University of Houston, 2006; MEd, 2007; PhD, 2012.

Aoki, Jon (2004) Associate Professor of Science Education and Biology. BA, California State University, Fresno, 1987; MA, 1995; EdD, University of Houston, 2003.

Archiopoli, Ashley (2014) Assistant Professor of Communication Studies. BA, Wichita State University, 2007; MA, Wichita State University, 2010; PhD, The University of New Mexico, 2014.

Ashe, Carolyn H. (1991) Professor of Business Administration. BBA, University of North Texas, 1969; MBA, 1971; EdD, University of Houston, 1984.

Auchter, David J. (2015) Lecturer in English. BA, Denison University, 1980; MA, University of Houston, 1987; PhD, University of Houston, 2000.

Avrithi, Kleio (2015) Assistant Professor of Structural Analysis and Design. BS, National Technical University of Athens, Greece; MS, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2002; MS, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2014; PhD, University of Maryland, College Park, 2007.

Babb, Stephanie (2007) Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, Oklahoma State University, 2001; MS, University of Georgia, 2003; PhD, 2006.

Bachman, Christine (2006) Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, University of Houston, 1998; MS, 2001; MA, 2003; PhD, 2004.

Baird, Amy (2011) Associate Professor of Biology. BS, Texas Tech; PhD, University of Texas, 2007.

Baker, Susan J. (1995) Professor of Art History. BA, University of Oklahoma, 1982; MA, University of Kansas, 1984; PhD, 1994.

Barbieri, Nina (2016) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, University of Massachusetts; MS, University of Dallas; PhD, University of Dallas, 2017.

Barksdale, W. Kevin (2015) Professor of Management. BBA, Georgia State University, 1989; PhD, Business Administration.

Beane, Susan (2007) Lecturer in Mathematics. BS, University of Houston-Downtown, 1999; MS, University of Houston, 2003.

Becerra, Linda (1986) Professor of Mathematics. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1972; MS, University of Houston, 1977; PhD, 1982.

Beckles, Franklin (2015) Lecturer of Chemistry. Licentiate BS and MS, Simon Bolivar University, Caracas, Venezuela, 1999; PhD, Baylor University, 2005.

Beebe, Ronald S. (2008) Associate Professor of Education. BA, Duke University, 1980; MDiv, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1983; PhD, University of Buffalo, the State University of New York, 2004.

Belbot, Barbara (1996) Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Xavier University,1974; JD, University of Houston, 1980; MPH, University of Texas Health Science Center, 1985; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 1995.

Benavides, Maria (2005) Associate Professor of Chemistry and Physics. BS, Instituto Technologico de Monterrey, 1987; PhD, Arizona State University, 1993.

Benton, Darius (2017) Assistant Professor of Communication Studies. BS, Mass Communications, Norfolk State University, 2005; MDV, Emory University, 2008; PhD, Organizational Leadership, Regent University, 2016.

Bhattacharjee, Maria P. (1996) Associate Professor of Education. BA, Pedagogic Institute of Caracas, Venezuela, 1974; MEd, University of Houston, 1977; EdD, 1995.

Bielakowski, Alexander (2016) Assistant Professor of History. BA, Loyola University Chicago, 1993; MA Loyola University Chicago 1995, Kansas State University, 2002.

Birchak, Beatrice Christiana (1987) Professor of English. BS, University of Houston, 1963; MA, Wayne State University, 1968; PhD, University of Houston, 1984. 

Bjork, Olin (2013) Assistant Professor of English. BA, University of California Los Angeles, 1993; MA, University of Texas at Austin, 2000; PhD, 2008.

Blackburn, Ashley G. (2011) Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, 2000; MA, 2002; PhD, 2006, Sam Houston State University.

Bowden, Maria (2011) Associate Professor of Microbiology. BS, Universidad Nacional del Plata, Argentina, 1986; PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 1999.

Bose, Utpal (2002) Professor of Management Information Systems. BS, Indian Institute of Technology, 1974; MS, University of Florida, 1989; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1994.

Brace, Carol (2014) Lecturer of Business Administration. BS, University of Akron, 1982; MS, University of Houston, 1989.

Branham, David (2005) Professor of Political Science. BS, University of Houston, 1995; MA, 2000; PhD, 2000.

Bressler, Linda (2001) Professor of Accounting. BSBA, Clark University, 1986; MBA, Thomas College, 1988; DBA, University of Sarasota, 2000.

Brown, Houston (2012) Lecturer of Chemistry. BS, University of California, 1974; PhD, Michigan State University, 1979.

Brusman-Lovins, Lori (2015) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, University of Cincinnati, 1993; MS, University of Cincinnati, 1996; PhD, University of Cincinnati, 2012.

Burnett, Christal (2009) Associate Professor of Education. Carnegie Mellon University, 1998; MEd, Stanford University, 1999; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia University NY, 2009.

Buckler, Kevin (2015) Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. BS, Sullivan University; MS, Eastern  Kentucky University, 1999; PhD, University of Cincinnati, 2004.

Buell, Deborah (2014) Lecturer of Applied Administration. BS, University of Houston, 1977; MBA, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1980; M.S.O.E, University of Houston, 1992; EdD, University of Houston, 2000.

Burrus, Burton (1993) Lecturer of Accounting. BA, Baylor University, 1964; MA, Baylor University, 1967.

Butler, Ralph (2000) Lecturer of Accounting. BA, University of Houston - Downtown, 1994; MBA, Prairie View A & M University, 1998.

Cahoy, Dexter (2017) Associate Professor of Statistics. BS, Mindanao State University, 1996; MS, University of Sciences and Technology of Southern Philippines, 1998; MS, University of Alberta, 2003; PhD, Case Western Reserve University, 2007.

Canedo, Julio C. (2015) Assistant Professor of Management. BS, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, 1993; MBA,1998; PhD, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2013.

Capuozzo, Kristen (2013) Lecturer in Psychology. BS, Texas A&M University, 1988; MA, University of Houston, 2009; PhD, 2012.

Cao, Qing (2015) Associate Professor of Management. BS, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1987; MBA, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, 1994; PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001.

Caro, Jason (2005) Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, University of Texas at San Antonio, 1989; MA, University of California at Los Angeles, 1991; MA, University of Chicago, 1992; PhD, University of California at Los Angeles, 2001.

Carden, Lila (2016) Visiting Assistant Professor of Management. BBA, Texas A&M University, 1985; MBA., University of Houston, 1991; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2007.

Case, Theresa Ann (2002) Associate Professor of History. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1989; MA, 1994; PhD, 2002.

Castro, Esther E. (2015) Assistant Professor of Finance. BS, LeTourneau University, 2009; MS, University of New Orleans, 2013; PhD, 2015.

Cavanaugh, Michael (2012) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2003; MA, Sam Houston State University 2008; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 2012.

Cedeno, Luis (2011) Lecturer of Management Information Systems. BS, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 2003; MS, University of Houston-Clear Lake 2005; MS, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 2009.

Cervenka, Mark (2000) Director of the O’Kane Gallery and Associate Professor of Art. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1983; BFA, 1985; MFA, Claremont Graduate University, 1987.

Chadha, Anita (2001) Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, Samford University, 1990; MPA, Auburn University, 1993; PhD, 1997.

Chan, Youn-Sha (2004) Associate Professor of Mathematics. BS, Taipei Medical College, 1984; MS, Tsinghwa University, 1986; MS, University of California at Los Angeles, 1991; MA, 1995; PhD, University of California at Davis, 2001.

Chang, Yuchou (2015) Assistant Professor of Computer Science. BS, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, 2003; MS, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, 2006; PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2012.

Chen, Irene Linlin (1998) Professor of Education. BA, National Taiwan University, 1983; MA, 1987; MBA, University of Dallas, 1989; MM, 1990; EdD, University of Houston, 1998.

Chiaviello, Anthony (1999) Associate Professor of English. AB, Oberlin College, 1976; MA, University of Denver, 1981; PhD, New Mexico State University, 1998.

Chiotte, Jennifer (2009) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Saint Edward’s University, 2000; MA, Washington State University, 2002.

Chiquillo, Raquel P. (2002) Associate Professor of Spanish. BA, George Mason University, 1995; MA, University of Virginia, 1997; PhD, 2001.

Chism, Jonathan L. (2014) Assistant Professor of African American Studies. BA, Rice University, 2004; MDiv, Southern Methodist University, 2008; MA, Rice University, 2012; PhD, Rice University, 2014.

Christian, Garna L. (1962) Professor of History. BA, Mexico City College, 1959; MA, Texas Western College, 1961; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1977. [EMERITUS]

Christmas, Byron K. (1991) Professor of Chemistry. BS, Murray State University, 1970; MS, University of Kentucky, 1976; PhD, 1978. [EMERITUS]

Cho, Kit W. (2015) Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, The City College of New York, City University of New York, 2009; MA, University at Albany, State University of New York, 2011; PhD, 2015.

Choudhuri, Sucheta (2009). Associate Professor of English. BA, University of Calcutta, 1995; MA, Jadadpur University, 1997; PhD, University of Iowa, 2009.

Cohen, Myrna (2000) Professor of Education. BA, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1975; MEd, University of Houston, 1988; EdD, 1993.

Coleman, Stephanie (2014) Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 2006; MA, University of Missouri, 2009; PhD, 2012.

Colon, Edgardo (2008) Lecturer of Political Science. BA, University of Houston, 1980; MBA, University of Houston, 1984; JD, University of Houston, 1984; LLM, Boston University School of Law, 1986; MA, University of Houston, 2000; PhD, University of Houston, 2003.

Connell, Michael L. (2008) Professor of Education. BS, University of Utah, 1978; MEd, 1986; PhD, 1989.

Connors, Shahnjayla K. (2017) Assistant Professor of Health and Behavioral Sciences. BS, Georgia Southern University, 2003; PhD, University of Florida College of Medicine, 2008; MPH, University of South Florida College of Public Health, 2010.

Corkin, Danya (2017) Assistant Professor of Psychology. BS, University of Houston, 2001; MEd, 2007; PhD, 2012.

Cortez, Damarius  (2017) Lecturer. BA, University of Houston Downtown, 2012: LMSW, University of Houston, 2014.

Coy, Steven P. (2002) Professor of Management. BS, University of Vermont, 1993; MSBA, University of Maryland, 1995; PhD, 1998.

Creighton, Jane (1997) Professor of English. BA, Johnston College, University of Redlands, 1973; MA, University of Houston, 1991; PhD, Rice University, 1996.

Crone, Travis (2010) Associate Professor of Psychology. BA, University of Arkansas, 2004; MA, University of Arkansas, 2007; PhD, 2010.

Cueva, Edmund P. (2009) Professor of Classics and Humanities. BA, University of South Florida, 1987; MA, University of Florida, 1989; MA, Loyola University Chicago, 1993; PhD, 1995.

Cunningham, Merrilee A. (1975) Associate Professor of English. BA, Northwestern University, 1966; MA, Marshall University, 1970; PhD, Vanderbilt University, 1978.

Dahlberg, Sandra L. (1997) Professor of English. BA, University of Puget Sound, 1991; MA, University of Washington, 1993; PhD, 1997.

Daigle, Jamie (2015) Lecturer of Management. BCJ, American Military University, 2008; MBA, 2010.

Davey, Joseph M. (2016) Lecturer in History. BA, Michigan State University, 2006; PhD, Michigan State University, 2015.

Davidson, Robin (2005) Professor of English. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1977; MA, University of Houston, 1990; PhD, 2001.

Davila, Randy (2017) Lecturer of Mathematics. BS, University of Houston-Downtown, 2012; MA, Rice University, 2015.

Davis, J. Tracy (2011) Lecturer. BBA, Our Lady of the Lake, 1999.

Davis, G. Jonathan (2010) Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1999; MBA, St. Edwards University; PhD, Purdue University, 2010.

Davis, Scott (2017) Assistant Professor of Marketing. BS, University of Delaware, 2003; MBA, Texas A&M University, 2009; PhD, 2015.

Dejan, Austin (2017) Assistant Professor of Finance. BS, Dillard University, 1985; MBA, University of New Orleans, 2001; MS, 2017; PhD, 2017.

DeFreitas, Stacie Craft (2009) Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2000; MA, Duke University, 2003; PhD, 2006.

DeJesus-Rivera, Albert (2016) Lecturer in Spanish. BS, Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, 1988; MA, Spanish Literature, University of Houston, 1999; PhD, Spanish Literature, University of Houston, 2009.

DeLaViña, Ermelinda (1997) Professor of Mathematics. BS, University of Texas-Pan American, 1989; MS, University of Houston, 1993; PhD, 1997.

Deo, Prakash (2005) Associate Professor of Finance. BSC (Tech) Bombay University, 1973; BSBA, Utah State University, 1975; MBA, 1976; PhD, The Ohio State University, 1984.

DeVries, Peter (2000) Professor of Management Information Systems. BS, Texas A&M University, 1983; MBA, Southwest Texas State University, 1987; PhD, University of Arkansas, 1994.

DeWitt, Jean M. (1987) Associate Professor of Communication Studies. BA, University of Wisconsin, 1969; MA, University of Maryland, 1980; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1987. [EMERITUS]

Dillard, John (Kip) (2010) Associate Professor of Marketing. BA, University of Wilmington, 1968; MS, University of Arkansas, 1973; PhD, University of Arkansas, 1976.

Dimmick, Michael E. (2015) Assistant Professor of English. BA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1997; MA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 2003; PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015.

Dudley, William G (2011) Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Lecturer of Marketing. BBA, 1978, University of Texas; MBA, Rice University, 1998.

Dressman, Michael R. (1982) Professor of English. AB, University of Detroit, 1967; MA, 1969; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1974. [EMERITUS]

Duncan, Michael G. (2009) Associate Professor of English. BA, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1998; MA, University of Memphis, 2005; PhD, University of Memphis, 2009.

Dune, Linda (2017) Associate Professor of Nursing.  BSN, University of the State of New York, 1984; MS, Texas Woman’s University, 1989; PhD, Texas Woman’s University, 2002.

Edwards, Renee (2016) Lecturer of Economics. BA, University of Houston, 1999; MBA, University of Houston, 2001.

Eliassen, Arthur Henry (2007) Associate Professor of Sociology. BA, Florida State University, 1967; MDiv, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, 1971; MS, Florida State University, 2002; PhD, 2006.

Elkholy, Sharin N. (2007) Associate Professor of Philosophy. BA, Antioch College, 1989; MA, New School University, 1996; PhD, 2003.

Elking, Isaac (2016) Visiting Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management. BS, Ohio State University, 2008; PhD, University of Maryland, 2016.

Ellwanger, Adam (2009) Associate Professor of English. BA, College of Charleston; MA, The Citadel, 2003; PhD, University of South Carolina, 2009.

Emeka, Franklin (2017) Lecturer in Sociology. BS, University of Houston-Downtown, 1992; MA, University of Houston-Clear-Lake, 1996; PhD, Prairie View AM University, 2006.

Epstein, David (2010) Associate Professor of Management. BA, University of Houston, 2000. MA, University of Houston, 2004; PhD, University of Houston, 2010.

Evans, Gail S. M. (1980) Professor of Business Law. BA, Northwestern University, 1969; JD, University of Texas at Austin, 1972. [EMERITUS]

Fairbanks, James David (1976) Professor of Political Science. BA, Greenville College, 1968; MA, The Ohio State University, 1969; PhD, 1975. [EMERITUS]

Farris, Sara (1992) Associate Professor of English. BA, Eastern Illinois University, 1983; MA, 1985; PhD, Miami University, 1992.

Fedell, Lucas (2013) Lecturer in Drama. BA, University of Houston Downtown, 2007; MFA, Texas Tech University, 2011.

Feliciano, Olga M. (2013) Lecturer in English. BA, Queens College/City University of New York, 2002; MFA, University of Houston, 2007.

Feng, Weining (1999) Associate Professor of Control and Instrumentation. BEng, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, 1984; PhD, University of Strathclyde, UK, 1990.

Fields, D. Michael (2013) Professor of Marketing. BSBA, University of Arkansas, 1972; MBA, 1982; PhD, 1986.

Flosi, Jeffrey W. (1987) Associate Professor of Biology. BS, University of Texas at El Paso, 1973; MS, University of Texas at El Paso, 1975; PhD, Iowa State University, 1980.

Fortunato, Paul (2005) Associate Professor of English. BA, Columbia University, 1991; MA, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1999; PhD, 2004.

Fowler, Shannon K. (2011) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BS, Kentucky Wesleyan College, 2011; MS, eastern Kentucky University, 2003; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 2007.

French, Charles (2010) Lecturer in Communication. BA, Trinity University, 2000; MA, Texas A & M University, College Station, 2002.

Fugate, Charles (2016) Assistant Professor of Education. BS, University of Houston; MA, University of Connecticut; Purdue University.

Fulbright, Paul (2017) Assistant Professor of Business Law. BS, Texas A&M University, 1984; MBA, Baylor University, 1986; JD, University of Houston, 1992; MST, Southern Methodist University, 2009; LLM, 2016.

Fulton, DoVeanna S. (2012) Professor of Humanities. BA, Wayne State University, 1994; PhD, University of Minnesota, 1999.

Gad, Sangeeta (1986) Lecturer in Mathematics. MS, University of Bombay, 1970.

Gandhi, Jateen (2017).  Lecturer of Physics.  BE, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, 2002; MS, University of Texas at Arlington, 2004; PhD, University of Texas at Arlington, 2011.

Garcia, Viola (1999) Professor of Education. BS, Texas Woman’s University, 1971; MEd, University of Houston, 1974; EdD, 2000. [EMERITUS]

Garza, Cesar (2017) Assistant Professor of Mathematics. BS, ITESM Campus Ciudad Juarez, 2005; MS, University of Texas at El Paso, 2009; PhD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2015.

Garza, Linda (2013) Lecturer in English. BA, University of Houston, 1994; MA, University of Houston, 1997.

Gehring, Krista (2010) Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, University of Colorado, 1998; MS, Northeastern University, 2003.

George, Jessie (2015) Visiting Assistant Professor of Accounting. BBA, MS, Texas A&M University, 2002; PhD, Northcentral University, 2014; CPA; CISA.

Getz, J. Greg (1997) Professor of Sociology. BA, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1968; PhD, University of Southern California, 1977. [EMERITUS]

Gilbert, William (1976) Associate Professor of English. BA, Washington and Lee University, 1966; MA, Duke University, 1967; PhD, 1974. [EMERITUS]

Gillette, Aaron (2006) Professor of History. BA, Western Carolina University, 1985; MA, Binghamton University/State University of New York, 1988; PhD, 1993.

Gilmore, Elizabeth (2016) Lecturer, Criminal Justice. BS, University of Houston Downtown; MS, University of Houston Downtown, 2014.

Gleason, Kimberly R (2009). Lecturer, General Business, BBA, 1987, MBA, 1999, Houston Baptist University.

Goins, Angela (2012) Lecturer. BA, University of St. Thomas- Houston, 1991; MSW, University of Houston, 1996

Goltz, Heather (2011) Associate Professor of Social Work. BS, Northwestern State University, 1997; MSW, University of Houston, 2005; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2008; MEd, University of Houston, 2012.

Grebowicz, Janusz (2004) Professor of Chemistry and Physics. MS, University of Lodz, 1969; PhD, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1979.

Gulati, Poonam (1997) Associate Professor of Biology and Microbiology. BS, Cornell University, 1982; PhD, Cornell University, 1988.

Gupta, Omprakash K. (2008) Professor of Management. BSc, Gujarat University, 1971; MSc, Gujarat University, 1973; MS, Purdue University, 1975; PhD, Purdue University, 1980.

Hagen, L. Kirk (1990) Professor of Humanities. BA, University of New Mexico, 1980; MA, 1983; PhD, University of Illinois, 1989.

Hale, Trevor S. (2006) Professor of Management. BS, Pennsylvania State University, 1988; MS, Northeastern University, 1990; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1997.

Harned, Jon W. (1982) Professor of English. BA, Indiana University, 1970; PhD, University of Virginia, 1977. [EMERITUS]

Harris, Cyril (2014) Lecturer of Computer Science. BS, University of Houston-Downtown, 2004; MS, University of Texas-Pan American, 2007.

Harris, Judith (2008) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, University of Houston Downtown, 1999; MS, University of Houston Downtown, 2005; PhD, Texas Southern University, 2013.

Harris, Felicia (2015) Assistant Professor of Communication Studies. BA, Columbus State University, 2010; MA, The University of Georgia, 2012; PhD, The University of Georgia, 2015.

Hatfield, Elizabeth F. (2014) Assistant Professor of Communication. BA, Georgetown University, 2001; MA, Fordham University, 2003; Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 2011.

Hashemi, Shohreh S. (1981) Associate Professor of Management Information Systems. BS, Central State University, 1976; MEd, 1980.

Heinlein, Sarah (2017) Assistant Professor of Geology. BS, University of Texas at El Paso, 2004; MS, University of Texas at El Paso, 2006; PhD, University of Texas at El Paso, 2013.

Henney, Susan (2005) Professor of Psychology. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1990; MA, Southern Methodist University, 1994; PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 2000.

Heinlein, Sarah (2017) Assistant Professor of Geology. BS, University of Texas at El Paso, 2004; MS, University of Texas at El Paso, 2006; PhD, University of Texas at El Paso, 2013.

Hewitt, Amelia (2008) Associate Professor of Education. BA, McNeese State University, 1998; Med, University of Louisiana, 1991; EdD, University of Houston, 2001.

Hill, Jillian (2010). Associate Professor of English. BA, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, 2004; MA, Kent State University, 2006; PhD, 2011.

Hill, Richard (1999) Lecturer in Criminal Justice. BS, Southwest Texas State University, 1964; MS, Eastern Kentucky University, 1973.

Holmes, Don (2013) Lecturer of Accounting. BBA, Southern Methodist University, 1965; MBA, University of Dallas, 1969.

Hovsepian, Melissa (2005) Program Chair and Lecturer in History. BA, University of Houston, 1988; MA, 1992; PhD, 1996.

Howard, Catherine E. (2009) Lecturer in English. BA, Baylor University, 1986; MA, Rice University, 1990; PhD, Rice University, 1994.

Hu, Xinxin (2016) Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management. BSc, Fudan University, 1996; MA, 1999; MA, 2004; University of Michigan, PhD, 2006.

Hudspeth, Rachael (2015) Lecturer of Biology. BS, Stephen F. Austin State University, 2006; MS, Stephen F. Austin State University, 2008.

Hughes, Christina (2016) Assistant Professor of Political Science. BA, University of Houston 1996; PhD, University of Houston 2008.

Hung, Yu-han (2017) Assistant Professor of Education. BA, Soochow University, Taipei Taiwan; Med, National Taiwan Normal University Taipei, Taiwan, 2007; PhD, Michigan State University, 2017.

Hurley, Pamela (2013) Associate Professor of Insurance & Risk Management. BS, University of South Carolina, 1999; MBA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2001; PhD, 2005.

Hrynkiv, Volodymyr (2008) Associate Professor of Mathematics. MS, Tennessee Technological University, 2000; PhD University of Tennessee, 2006.

Idowu, Ayorinde (2005) Lecturer of Geology. BS, University of Oregon, 1975; MS, Wright State University, 1977.

Irabor, Robert (2016) Lecturer of Management. BBA, Southwest Texas State University, 1979; MPA, Texas Southern University, 1982; MBA, University of Houston, 1982; PhD, California Coast University, 1995; DBA, University of Phoenix, 2014.

Islam, Anisul (1990) Professor of Economics. BA, University of Dhaka, 1974; MA, 1975; MA, University of Waterloo, 1978; PhD, University of Alberta, 1985.

Jackson-Bradford, Dawn (2013) Lecturer in English. BA, Spelman College, 1988; MEd, University of Houston, 1994; EdD, University of Houston, 2001.

Jackson, Charles R. (2005) Associate Professor of English. BA, Syracuse University, 1993; MA, Rice University, 1998; PhD, 2001.

Jackson, Jeffrey (2005) Professor of Philosophy. BA, Ohio University, 1990; MA, 1995; PhD, Vanderbilt University, 2005.

Jackson, Larisa (2012) Lecturer of Music. BA, Mussorgsky Music College, 1980; MA, Columbia University, 1989; MPhil, Columbia University, 1992; PhD, Columbia University, 1996.

Jackson, Thomas (2016) Lecturer of Accounting. BBA, Texas Tech University, 1996; MBA, University of Houston, 2014.

Jafari, Tahereh (2011) Lecturer of Management Information Systems. BS, University of Houston, 1979; MS, University of Houston, 1985.

Jager, Katharine W. (2008) Associate Professor of English. BA, Grinnell College, 1998; MFA, New York University, 2001; MPhil, City University of New York, 2006; PhD, City University of New York, 2007.

Jakubowski, Simon (2016) Lecturer of Biology and Microbiology. BS, University of Houston-Downtown, 1996; PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 2005.

Jarrett, Robert L. (1990) Professor of English. BA, Abilene Christian University, 1980; MA, University of California at Riverside, 1982; PhD, 1988. [EMERITUS]

Jegdic, Katarina (2006) Associate Professor of Mathematics. BS, University of Novi Sad, 1997; MS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000; PhD, 2004.

Jennings, Ann S. (1995) Professor of English. BA, University of Southwest Louisiana, 1965; MA, Florida State University, 1966; PhD, 1973. [EMERITUS]

Jiang, Mian (2005) Associate Professor of Chemistry. BS, Wuhan University, 1984; MS, Wuhan University, 1987; PhD, Wuhan University, 1991.

John, Benny (1996) Lecturer in Mathematics. BS, University of Kerala, 1979; MS, University of Houston, 1991.

Johnson, Jerry (2005) Professor of Biology and Biochemistry. BS, University of Houston, 1999; PhD, University of Houston, 2003.

Johnson, Kenneth (2002) Associate Professor of Geology. BS, Ohio State University, 1987; MS, Texas Tech University, 1991; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1995.

Johnson, Madeline (1983) Professor of Marketing. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1973; JD, 1976; PhD, University of Houston, 1993. [EMERITUS]

Johnson, Ruth (2007) Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, Texas A&M University, 2001; MA, Rice University, 2004; PhD, 2008.

Jones, Kevin (2012) Assistant Professor of Finance. BS, Texas A&M University, 2003; MBA, University of North Texas, 2006; PhD, University of North Texas, 2011.

Jose, Robin (2011) Associate Professor of Chemistry. BS, St. Dominic’s College, 1996; PhD, University of Wyoming, 2006.

Kaftan, Joanna (2005) Associate Professor of Sociology. BA, State University of New York, 1991; MA, Arizona State University, 1997; PhD, University of Notre Dame, 2002.

Kane, Anne (2005) Associate Professor of Sociology. BA, University of California at Santa Cruz, 1978; MA, University of California at Los Angeles, 1985; PhD, 1994.

Kang, YuanYuan (Connie) (2011) Assistant Professor of Biology. BS, Nankai University, China, 1998; PhD, University of Houston, 2004.

Karson, Lawrence (2004) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, University of the State of New York, 1983; MS, National-Louis University1996; University of Wales, 2012.

Karkoviata, Leonie (2002) Lecturer of Economics. BA, American University of Paris, 1995; MS, Universidad Ortega y Gasset, 1996; PhD, University of Houston, 2009.

Kaser, Karen C. (1996) Program Chair and Lecturer of BAAS in Applied Administration. AAS, San Jacinto College, 1980; BS, University of Houston, 1989; MS, 1990; PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1996.

Kelly, John R. (2010) Associate Professor of Education. BC, Rice University, 1974; MEd, Prairie View A&M University, 2005; PhD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2010.

Kessler, Robin (2014) Lecturer. BA, Northwestern University, 1977; MBA, Northwestern University, 1980.

Khoja, Faiza (2003) Associate Professor of Management. BC, University of Karachi, 1990; MBA, Southeastern University, 1994; PhD, University of Houston, 2004.

King, John P. (2017) Assistant Professor of Statistics. BA, Rice University, 1983; MS, Rice University, 1995; PhD, Rice University, 1999.

Kintzele, Paul (2005) Associate Professor of English. BA, Florida State University, 1991; MA, Tulane University, 1995; PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 2002.

Klein, Timothy (2016) Associate Professor of Drama and Director of O’Kane Theater. BA, St. Bonaventure University, 1994; MFA, University of North Carolina, 1998.

Koenig, Abigail (2012) Lecturer in Communication Studies. BFA, State University of New York, 2002; MA, University of Houston, 2011.

Kohlhausen, Donna. Lecturer in Business Law. BS, University of Texas, 1974; JD, University of Houston, 1977; MBA, University of Houston, 2008.

Koshkin, Sergiy (2009) Associate Professor of Mathematics. MS, National Technical University of Ukraine, 1996; PhD, Kansas State University, 2006.

Krishna, Sujata (2014) Lecturer of Physics. BS, Banaras Hindu University, India, 1988; MS, Banaras Hindu University, India, 1990; PhD, University of Oxford, England, 1994.

Lamb, Djuana (2016) Lecturer of Management. BA, Norfolk State University, 1987; MEd, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2006.

Lawrence, Windy Y. (2002) Associate Professor of Communication Studies. BS, University of Florida, 1995; MA, Texas A&M University, 1997; PhD, University of Georgia, 2002.

LeBon, Caroline (2014) Lecturer of Marketing. BA University of Paris Dauphine - France, 1991; Master in Retail Management, 1992; MS, University of Paris Sorbonne-France, 2005; PhD, University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille - France, 2011.

Latheef, Zahir (2015) Assistant Professor of Management. BBA, Texas A&M University, 2007; MS, Texas A&M University, 2007; PhD, University of Houston, 2015.

Li, Peter (Jianquiang) (2002) Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, Kiangsi University (China), 1983; BA, Institute of Foreign Affairs (China), 1987; MA, Syracuse University, 1988; PhD, Northern Arizona University, 2000.

Li, Xinyu (2017) Lecturer of Mathematics. BS, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2009, PhD, University of Louisiana, 2016.

Lin, Hong (2001) Professor of Computer Science. BEng, University of Science and Technology of China, 1987; MEng, 1990; PhD, 1997.

Linantud, John (2002) Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, Catholic University of America, 1989; MA, George Washington University, 1992; PhD, Arizona State University, 2000.

Liu, Zishang (2012) Associate Professor of Accounting. BA, Peking University, 1993; MBA, Rice University, 2001; PhD, University of Houston, 2007.

Lloyd, Cynthia (2016) Assistant Professor of Accounting. BBA, University of Miami, Coral Gables, 1973; MBA, University of Tennessee at Nashville, 1976; J.D., University of Houston, 1984; PhD, Morgan State University, 2010; CPA.

Logan, Paul (2013) Assistant Professor of Communication Studies. BA, University of Louisiana, 2005; AS, Louisiana State University, 2007; MS, University of Louisiana, 2009; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2013.

London, Steven (1982) Professor of Mathematics. BSE, University of Michigan, 1965; MSSE, University of Illinois, 1969; PhD, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1976.

Loomis-Price, Larry (2016). Lecturer of Biology and Chemistry.  BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981; PhD, University of California, 1986.

Lopez, Nancy (2012) Lecturer in History. BA, Southwest Texas State University, 1988; MA, Rice University, 1999; PhD, 2002.

Lourence, Benjamin C. (2013), Lecturer in English. BA, Southwest Texas University, 2002; MA, Rice University; 2010.

Lund, Giuliana (2006) Associate Professor of English. BA, Stanford University 1990; MA, University of Pennsylvania, 1993; PhD, 1997.

Lyons, Philip (1995) Associate Professor of Biology. BS, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1978; MS, Texas A&M University, 1981; PhD, University of Georgia, 1985.

Lyttle, Thomas J. (1976) Professor of Drama and Director of Theater. BA, University of Akron, 1963; MA, 1968; PhD, Bowling Green State University, 1974. [EMERITUS]

Maldonado, David (2016) Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Law. AB, Princeton University, 1980; JD, University of Texas at Austin, 1985.

Maldonado, Tiffany (2016) Visiting Assistant Professor of Management. BA, Rice University, 2006; PhD, University of Houston, 2015.

Mandell, Paul B. (2010) Associate Professor of Spanish. BA, Emory University, 1981; MA, Emory University, 1988; PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1996.

Manrique, Justo R. (2002) Professor of Economics. BS, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Peru, 1981; MS, Iowa State University, 1988; PhD, 1992.

Martz, Jeffrey (2015) Assistant Professor of Geology. BS, Colorado State University, 1999; MS, Texas Tech University, 2002; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2008.

Matveeva, Natalia A. (2007) Associate Professor of English. BA, Kazan State University, 2000; MA, Pittsburg State University, 2002; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2006.

McCaffrey, James M. (1989) Professor of History. AA, Springfield Junior College, 1968; BS, University of Missouri at Rolla, 1970; ME, University of Houston, 1974; MA, 1987; PhD, 1990. [EMERITUS]

McCarty, Dawn (2007) Associate Professor of Social Work. BS, Lamar University, 1991; MSW, University of Houston, 1995; PhD, University of Houston, 2002.

McKee, Robert (2016) Assistant Professor of Management. BA, University of Houston, 2009; MBA, 2012; PhD, 2016.

McMahon, Richard (2005) Associate Professor of Management Information Systems. BS, University of Arizona, 1975; MS, University of Arkansas Blytheville, 1982; MBA, Hardin-Simmons University, 1993; DBA, Argosy University, 2007.

Mhoon, Kendra (2011) Associate Professor of Statistics. BA, Grinnel College, 1998; MS, Texas A&M University, 2001; PhD, University of Texas School of Public Health, 2008.

Miller, Stephen M. (2015) Lecturer of Accounting. BBA, University of Houston, 1984; MBA, 2004; MSA, 2008; Doctor of Management, University of Maryland, 2013.

Minard, Meghan (2015) Lecturer of Biology. BS, Trinity University, 1998; MS, University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 2001; PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 2005.

Mitchell, Laura (2009) Assistant Professor of Education. BS, Texas State University, 1983; Med, University of Houston, 1987;EdD, Fielding Graduate University, 2009.

Mitha, Zeenat (2011) Lecturer of Communications. BA, Southern Methodist University, 1988; MBA, University of New Mexico, 1994.

Mobasher, Mohsen M. (2002) Associate Professor of Sociology. BA, University of North Texas, 1984; MA, 1988; MA, Southern Methodist University, 1994; PhD, 1996.

Monroe, Martin (2014) Lecturer of Management. BS, Clarkson University, 1977; MBA, Syracuse University, 1980; MS, University of Pennsylvania, 2002; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1997.

Moosally, Michelle J. (1998) Associate Professor of English. BS, Mankato State University, 1991; MA, University of Texas at Austin, 1994; PhD, 1998.

Morales, Rebecca (2017) Lecturer of Math Education. BA, Rice University, 2010; MED, University of Houston, 2015.

Morano, Lisa D. (2001) Professor of Biology and Microbiology. BS, University of California, Irvine, 1990; PhD, University of California, Davis, 1995.

Morgan, Whitney (2009) Associate Professor of Management. BA, Rice University, 2004; MA, George Mason University, 2006; PhD, 2009.

Morris-Smith, Penny (1988) Professor of Biology and Geology. BA, California State University, Los Angeles, 1964; MA, San Francisco State University, 1972; PhD, University of California, Berkeley, 1975.

Mosier, M. Patricia (1982) Associate Professor of Spanish. BA, West Virginia University, 1970; MA, University of Wisconsin, 1972; PhD, 1979. [EMERITUS]

Mueller, Bridget (2012) Lecturer of Communication Studies. BA, University of Tulsa, 1995; MA, University of Houston, 2000.

Mullinnix, Debra (1998) Associate Professor of Education. BS, Texas A&M University, 1976; MEd, University of Houston, 1993; EdD, 1998.

Murray, Creshema (2013) Assistant Professor of Communication. BA, University of Alabama, 2006; MA, University of Alabama, 2007; PhD, University of Alabama, 2011

Musselwhite, Donald (2008) Lecturer of Geology and Physics. BS, University of California, 1977; MS, University of California, 1984; PhD, University of Arizona, 1995.

Nadler-Blumberg, Bonnie (1994) Lecturer in Mathematics. BS, University of Texas at Austin, 1983; MEd, University of Texas at El Paso, 1987.

Nakamura, Mitsue (1988) Lecturer in Mathematics. BS, University of Houston, 1985; MS, 1987.

Nath, Janice (2001) Professor of Education. BA, Texas A&M University, 1974; MA, Chapman University, 1988; EdD, University of Houston, 1995. [EMERITUS]

Nayebpour, Mohamad (2014) Lecturer of Management. BS, Louisiana State University, 1982; MS, 1986; PhD, 1990.

Neale, Nathan R. (2015). Assistant Professor of Management. BA, University of Phoenix, 2009; MBA, Cornell University, 2011.

Nealy, Chynette D. (2002) Professor of Business Administration. BS, Texas College, 1984; MEd, Texas Southern University, 1986; EdD, University of Houston, 1994.

Nelson, Susan (2013) Visiting Assistant Professor of Education. BS, Troy State University, 1978; MA, Troy State University

Newsum, Floyd Elbert, Jr. (1976) Professor of Art. BFA, Memphis Academy of Arts, 1973; MFA, Temple University, 1975.

Nganou, Jean B. (2017) Assistant Professor of Mathematics. BS, University of Yaounde 1, 1999; MS, University of Yaounde 1, 2001; PhD, New Mexico State University, 2009.

Nguyen, Chu, (2007) Associate Professor of Finance. BA, Van Hanh University, Vietnam, 1973; MA, 1978; MS, 1981 University of Cincinnati 1981; PhD, 1983.

Nguyen, Thai (2013) Lecturer of Economics. BS, California State Polytechnic University, 1988; BA, California State University Los Angeles, 1993; MA, California State University Los Angeles, 1994; PhD, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 2004.

Nguyen, Thu (2017) Lecturer of Mathematics.BS, University of Houston-Downtown, 2009; MA, University of Houston, 2015.

Nguyen, Vien (1990) Lecturer in Mathematics. BS, Lamar University, 1988; MS, 1990.

Nowak, William J. (2002) Associate Professor of Spanish. BA, St. John’s University, 1984; MA, Princeton University, 1987; PhD, 1993.

Nuwal, Tara C. (2003) Lecturer of BAAS in Applied Administration. BA, Rajasthan University, 1966; MA, University of Jodhpur, 1968; PhD, 1964.

Oberhoff, Kenneth E. (1974) Associate Professor of Computer Science. BA, Texas A&M University, 1965; MS, University of Houston, 1968; PhD, 1973.

Oehlert, Priscilla (2017) Director of the Insurance & Risk Management Center and Lecturer of Insurance and Risk Management. BA, University of South Carolina, 1981; MBA, Arizona State University, 2006.

Parker, Mary Jo (2009) Lecturer of Biology. BAT, Sam Houston State University, 1975; MA, Sam Houston State University, 1979; MA, Sam Houston State University, 1983; EdD, Baylor University, 1998.

Paskelian, Ohannes (2008) Associate Professor of Finance. BE, American University of Beirut, 1997; MBA, Nicholls State University 2001; MS, University of New Orleans 2004; PhD, University of New Orleans, 2006.

Pavelich, Andrew (2003) Associate Professor of Philosophy. BA, Fort Lewis College, 1994; MA, Tulane University, 1996; PhD, Tulane University, 1999.

Pavletich, JoAnn (1995) Associate Professor of English. BA, Southeastern Louisiana University, 1988; MA, University of Texas at Austin, 1990; PhD, 1995.

Pedrana, Angela López (2005) Associate Professor of Education. BS, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1981; BA, University of St. Thomas, 1989; MEd, 1995; EdD, University of Houston, 2004.

Pedroza, Mesias (2015) Lecturer of Chemistry. BS, University of Houston-Downtown, 2007; PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 2011.

Pelaez, Rolando (1986) Professor of Finance. BS, Louisiana State University, 1962; MA, 1964; PhD, University of Houston, 1973.

Pelz, Mary Elizabeth (1988) Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1974; MA, 1976; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 1988.

Peña, Daniel (2016) Assistant Professor of English. MFA, Cornell University, 2013; BA, Texas A&M University, 2010.

Pfeffer, Rebecca. (2013) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Pitzer College, 2005; MS, Pace University, 2007; MS, University of Pennsylvania, 2008; PhD, Northeastern University, 2012.

Pence, Diana K. (2006) Associate Professor of Accounting. BSBA, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1982; MPA, 1984; PhD, University of North Texas, 1996.

Penkar, Samuel H. (1984) Professor of Finance. MIM, American Graduate School of International Management, 1976; DBA, Mississippi State University, 1984.

Pepper, Ryan. (2005) Professor of Mathematics. BS, University of Houston, 2000; MS, University of Houston, 2002; PhD, University of Houston, 2004.

Pinelis, Yuriy (2013) Lecturer of Physics. MS, Novosibirsk State University, Russia, 1979; MS, University of Chicago, 1999; PhD, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russia, 1988.

Pogue, Bill (2011) Lecturer of Communication Studies. BA, University of Denver, 1962.

Pohl, Bernardo. (2013) Assistant Professor of Education. BA, University of Houston, 1997; MEd, University of Houston, 2003; EdD, University of Houston, 2009.

Pointer, Lucille (2002) Professor of Marketing. BS, Southern University, 1973; MBA, University of Wisconsin, 1974; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2000.

Pore, Anand (2015) Assistant Professor of Management. BS, Government College of Engineering, 1992; PhD, Rutgers University, 2010.

Portillo, Mary (2010) Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, Fort Lewis College, 2000; MA, Rice University, 2006; PhD, 2010.

Preuss, Gene (2004) Associate Professor of History. BA, Southwest Texas State University, 1990; MA, 1993; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2004.

Qavi, Hamida (2005) Lecturer of Chemistry. BS, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 1961; MS, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 1963; MS, Ohio State University, 1969; PhD, Ohio State University, 1977.

Quander, Judith (2010) Associate Professor of Math Education. BS, University of Texas, 1998; MS, University of Arizona, 2000; PhD, University of Georgia, 2006.

Rahmatian, Arash (2014) Assistant Professor of Structural Analysis and Design. BS, Najaf Abud University, Iran, 1996; MA, 2000; PhD, Concordia University, Canada, 2013

Rauniar, Rupak (2018) Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management. BE, Birla Institute of Technology, 1995; MBA, University of Toledo, 1998; PhD, 2005.

Redl, Timothy (2005) Associate Professor of Mathematics. AB, Dartmouth College, 1997; MA, Rice University, 2003; PhD, 2004.

Rejaie, Azar M. (2006) Associate Professor of Art History. BA, Louisiana State University, 1996; MA, 1999; PhD, University of Pittsburgh, 2006.

Ren, Peter (2012) Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance. BBA, Grand Canyon University, 2004; MS, West Texas A&M University, 2006; PhD, University of North Texas, 2015

Richards, Dorothy (2006) Lecturer of Accounting. BA, University of Oklahoma, 1971; MS, University of St. Thomas, 1996.

Robbins, Ruth R. (1980) Professor of Management Information Systems. BBA, Texas Southern University, 1971; MBA, University of Houston, 1974; EdD, 1986.

Robertson, Vida A. (2006) Associate Professor of English. BA, Murray State University, 1996; MA, Miami University, 2000; PhD, 2006.

Robinson, Robert (2014) Visiting Assistant Professor of Management. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1974; MA, The Ohio State University, 1977; PhD, 1977.

Romero, Reynaldo (Rey) (2010) Associate Professor of Spanish. BA, Rice University, 2002; PhD Georgetown University, 2009.

Rosenthal-Simmons, Anna (1991) Lecturer in Mathematics. BS, University of Houston, 1987; MS, 1995; MBA, 1990; MS, Texas A&M University, 1988.

Roubicek, Henry L. (1983) Professor of Communication Studies. BA, The Ohio State University, 1974; MA, Purdue University, 1976; EdD, University of Maryland, 1983. 

Rubinson, Claude (2010) Associate Professor of Sociology. BA, Emory University, 1996; MA, University of Georgia, 2002; PhD, University of Arizona, 2010.

Rufino, Katrina (2014) Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, College of the Holy Cross, 2005; MA, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, 2007; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 2012.

Ryden, David Beck (2001) Professor of History. BA, Connecticut College, 1990; MA, University of Delaware, 1993; PhD, University of Minnesota, 1999.

Saavedra, Pakeithe (2017) Lecturer in Criminal Justice. BS, Texas A&M University, 2002; MS, Texas A&M University, 2005; PhD, Texas Woman’s University, 2012.

Sack, Jacqueline (2009) Assistant Professor of Education. BSc Honors, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, 1975; MLS, Sam Houston State University, 1984; EdD, University of Houston, 2005.

Sadana, Rachna (2011) Associate Professor of Biology. BS, S.D. College, 1993; MS, Kurukshetra University, 1996; PhD, Kurukshetra University, 2001.

Saha, Sanghamitra (2014) Lecturer of Biology. BS, Hindu College University of Delhi, India, 1988; MS, University of Baroda, India, 1990; PhD, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India, 1996.

Sample, Joseph (2009) Associate Professor of English. BS, Slippery Rock University, 1991; MA, Texas A&M University, 1993; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2000; PhD, Iowa State University, 2004.

Salinas, Salvador (2015) Assistant Professor of History. BA, Appalachian State University, 2003; MA, University of Oxford, 2007; PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 2014.

Sanders, Beth Ann (2017) Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Otterbein College, 1992; MS, University of Cincinnati,1993; PhD, University of Cincinnati, 1997.

Savani, Shahnaz (2016) Lecturer. BA, St. Xaviers College, Bombay University, India, 1988; Certificate, Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, England, 1991; MA, University of London, England, 1992; MA, University of London, England, 1993; MSW, University of Houston, 2008.

Savitsky, Thomas (2016) Lecturer of Mathematics. BS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003; PhD, The George Washington University, 2015.

Scharold, Dagmar (1997) Assistant Professor of English. BA, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1992; MA, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1996; PhD Texas A&M University, 2012.

Schmertz, Johanna (2000) Professor of English. BA, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1983; MA, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1990; PhD, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2001.

Secor, Mary (2004) Lecturer in Art. BFA, University of Houston, 1980; MFA, University of Houston, 1989.

Seratt, Heather E. (2013), Lecturer in English. BA, Mississippi State University, 2001; MA, University of Tennessee, 2003; MFA University of Memphis, 2007

Serrett, Randy K. (1999) Professor of Accounting. BS, Louisiana State University, 1973; MS, University of Houston, 1983; PhD, 1986; CPA.

Shahnaz Savani (2016) Lecturer in Social Work. BA, St. Xaviers College; MA, University of London, 1992; MA, University of London, 1993; MSW, University of Houston, 2008.

Shastri, Dvijesh (2011) Associate Professor of Computer Science. BS, Sardar Patel University, 1997; MS, Wright State University, 2001; PhD, University of Houston, 2007.

Sheinberg, Edward R. (1978) Associate Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, Lamar University, 1968; ME, 1968; MME, University of Houston, 1971.

Shipley, Margaret F. (1987) Professor of Management. BS, Salisbury State College, 1969; MSIE, University of Pittsburgh, 1980; PhD, 1986.

Shroff, Arpita (2016) Assistant Professor of Accounting. BSc, University, Vadodara, India, M.S. 1992; MBA, 1994; MS, University of Houston, 2000; PhD, 2013; CPA.

Singh, Ajay (2014) Lecturer of Geology. BS, University of Delhi, India, 2001; MS, University of Delhi, India, 2003; MS, Indiana State University, 2007; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2012.

Singh, Kulwant. (2012) Lecturer of Computer Science. BTech, Indian Institute of Technology, India, 1980; MS, Louisiana State University, 1987.

Siriko-Hoang, Toni. (2009) Associate Professor of Communication Studies. BA, University of Houston-Downtown, 1999; MA, University of Houston, 2005; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 2009.

Simeonov, Plamen (1999) Professor of Mathematics. BS, Sofia University, 1990; MS, 1992; PhD, University of South Florida, 1997.

Smith -Chen, Claudia, (2014), Lecturer in English. BA, Bard College, Annandal-on-Hudson, 1992; MA, The John Hopkins University, 1993; PhD, University of Texas, 2012.

Smith, J. Garry (2014). Assistant Professor of Marketing. BBA, University of Texas-Tyler, 1975; MBA, University of North Texas, 1997; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2007.

Smith, Charles (1987) Professor of Finance. BS, McNeese State University, 1974; MBA, University of New Orleans, 1975; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1984.

Smith, Dana S. (2013) Assistant Professor of Social Work. BA, Spelman College, 1989; MPA, Texas Southern University, 1992; PhD, University of Houston, 2008.

Snell, Cletus (2005) Professor of Criminal Justice. BS, Montana State University, 1990; MS, University of South Carolina, 1994; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 1999.

Socolof, Jerome (2014) Assistant Professor of Art Administration. BM, State University of New York, 2007; MA, Ohio State University, 2009; PhD, Ohio State University, 2012.

Soibam, Benjamin (2015) Assistant Professor of Computer Science. BS, St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, India, 2005; MS, University of Houston, 2009; PhD, University of Houston, 2012.

Solomon, Frankie (1993) Lecturer in Mathematics. BA, Grambling State University, 1971; MS, Texas Southern University, 1989.

Sorurbakhsh, Laila F (2017) Lecturer in Political Science. BA, University of Texas-Austin, 2004; MA, University of Houston, 2008; PhD, University of Houston, 2012.

Spencer, Adam (2016) Lecturer in Drama. BA, Theatre, Chadron State College, 2006; MFA, Theatre, Illinois State University, 2013.

Stanberry, Kurt (1996) Professor of Business Law. BBA, Yale University, 1972; MBA, Temple University, 1974; JD, University of Houston, 1977.

Sterna, Larry L. (2009) Lecturer of Physics. BS, Yale University, 1974; MS, University of California, Berkeley, 1977; PhD, University of California, Berkeley, 1981.

Stewart, Cynthia (2005) Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, University of Houston, 1997; MA, 2000; PhD, 2001.

Strain, Charles R. (1994) Professor of Marketing. BBA, University of Mississippi, 1974; MBA, University of Southern Mississippi, 1982; DBA, Mississippi State University, 1994.

Sullivan, M. Nell (1996) Professor of English. BA, Vanderbilt University, 1986; MA, Rice University, 1989; PhD, 1995.

Tannous, Steven S. (2009), Lecturer in Management. BBA, 1997; MBA, 2000, University of Houston.

Tecarro, Edwin (2004) Associate Professor of Mathematics. BS, University of the Philippines, 1983; MS, Southern Methodist University, 1991; PhD, University of Houston, 2000.

TeDuits, Douglas (2014) Assistant Professor of Management. BS, Truman State University, 1988; MEd, Texas Tech University, 1992; EdD, University of Houston, 2007.

TenBrink, Candace (2016) Assistant Professor of Management. BA, Michigan State University, 1992; MBA, University of Michigan, 1997; PhD, University of Houston, 2016.

Thacker-Kumar, Leena (1993) Professor of Political Science. BA, Scottish Church College, 1982; MA, Miami University, 1988; PhD, 1993.

Theruvathu, Jacob (2017) Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BS, Mahatma Gandhi University, 1993; MS, Mahatma Gandhi University, 1995; PhD, Mahatma Gandhi University, 2003.

Thielemann, Jane (1991) Professor of Education. BS, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1978; MA, University of Houston, 1991; EdD, 1999.

Thomas, Tammis (1995) Professor of English. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1984; MA, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1989; PhD, 1995.

Tiwari, Ashwini (2017) Assistant Professor of Education. BA, Osmania University, Hyderabad, AP, India, 2005; MA, The University of Arizona, Tucson, 2007; PhD, The Pennsylvania State University, 2014.

Tobin, Michael (2012) Assistant Professor of Biology. BA, Reed College, Oregon, 1990; PhD, University of Minnesota, 2001.

Trufan, Eszter (2013) Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BS, University of Romania, 2004; MS, University of Romania, 2005; PhD, University of South Carolina, 2009.

Turner, Erlanger (2014) Assistant Professor of Psychology. BS, Louisiana State University, 2004; MS, Texas A&M University, 2006; PhD, 2009.

Tzouanas, Vassilos (2010) Associate Professor of Control and Instrumentation. Diploma, Aristotle University, 1982; MS, University of Alberta, 1985; PhD, Lehigh University, 1989.

Usnick, Lee (2003) Associate Professor of Business Law. BA, Connecticut College, 1975; MSSW, University of Texas at Arlington, 1978; MA, Webster University, 1981; JD, University of Houston, 1984.

Uzman, Akif J. (1997) Professor of Biology and Biochemistry. BS, University of Michigan, 1975; MS, University of Michigan, 1976; PhD, University of California-Berkeley, 1983.

Valcore, Laura (2014) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Eastern Illinois University, 2007; MA, University of Colorado, 2009; PhD, University of Colorado, 2014.

Van Horn, Leigh (2000) Professor of Education. BS, University of Houston, 1992; MS, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1995; EdD, University of Houston, 2000.

Verma, Rahul (2004) Associate Professor of Finance. BE, Ranchi University, 1992; MBA, Institute for Technology and Management, 1995; PhD, University of Texas-Pan American, 2004.

Villegas, Elizabeth (2015) Lecturer of Biology. BS, University of Houston-Downtown, 2005; PhD, Baylor College of Medicine, 2014.

Visbal, Adriana (2015) Lecturer of Biology. BS, Texas A&M University, 2004; PhD, Baylor College of Medicine, 2010.

Vogt, John J (2016) Visiting Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management. BS, University of Witwatersrand, 1974; MBA, University of South Africa, 1988; PhD, University of Stellenbosch, 2006.

Von Biedenfeld, Dietrich (2016) Assistant Professor of Business Law. BA, University of Houston, 2006; JD, University of Mississippi, 2009.

Wade, Carolyn E. (2011) Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education. BA, University of North Texas, 1996; MEd, University of Houston, 2001; EdD, 2011.

Wadhwa, Darshan L. (1984) Professor of Accounting. BS, KGK College, Moradabad, India, 1964; MS, Roorkee University, Roorkee, India, 1967; MBA, Louisiana Tech University, 1972; DBA, 1988; CPA.

Waller, William A. (1983) Professor of Mathematics. AA, Eastfield College, 1978; BS, North Texas State University, 1981; MS, 1983; PhD, University of Houston, 1989.

Walker, Sarah (2008) Associate Professor of Management. BA, Dillard University, 2003; MA, Rice University, 2006; PhD, 2009.

Wang, Hsiao-Ming (2001) Professor of Criminal Justice. BC, Feng-Chia University, 1977; MBA, University of St. Thomas, 1992; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 1998.

Wang, Yingchun (Irene) (2010) Assistant Professor of Management. BA, Renmin University of China; MA, Tsinghua University; PhD, University of Minnesota, 2010.

Wanguri, Deloris (1984) Professor of Communication Studies. BA, English Education, University of Houston, 1973; MA, Speech, University of Houston, 1975; PhD, Organizational/Interpersonal Communication, University of Texas at Austin, 1984. [EMERITUS]

Waters, William J. (2008) Associate Professor of English. BA, University of Maine, 1985; MA, University of Maine, 1988; PhD, University of New Mexico, 2000.

Wedes, Joan B, (2015), Lecturer in English. BA, University of Tennessee, 1986; MA, Eastern Michigan University, 1995; PhD, Wayne State University, 2014.

Wetherbe, Mead Bond (2016) Lecturer of Management Information Systems. BS, University of Southern Mississippi, 1976; MBA, 1977.

Wernet, Stephen (2013) Professor of Social Work. BA, Manhattan College, 1973; MEd, Springfield College, 1977; MSW, University of Connecticut, 1982; PhD, University of Texas, 1988.

Westfall, Joseph (2005) Associate Professor of Philosophy. BA, Santa Clara University, 1997; MA, Boston College, 1999; PhD, 2005.

White, Stephen A. (2010) Assistant Professor of Education. BA, Boston State College 1974; Certificate of Advanced Study Universidad de Santander, Spain 1975; MEd Boston State College 1976; CAGS, Boston State College. 1979; PhD, University of Houston, 1998.

Wicmandy, Michelle (2009) Lecturer in Marketing. BS, University of Central Florida 1994; MBA, 1996.

Williams, Marvin J. (1988) Professor of Accounting. BBA, University of Houston, 1980; MBA, 1982; JD, 1986; CPA, CMA.

Williams, Patrick S. (1990) Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, Michigan State University, 1971; MEd, Northeastern University, 1974; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1987.

Williams, Rube. (2013) Instructor of Chemistry. BS, Texas A&M University, 1984; MS, Texas A&M University, 1993; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1997.

Winn, Thomas L (2013) Interim Director MSME Program and Lecturer. BA, Stephen F. Austin, 1990; MSME, University of Houston Downtown, 2009.

Wilson, Antoinette R. (2016) Lecturer in Psychology. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 2008; MS, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2011; PhD, 2016.

Wilson, Julie (2015) Lecturer of Psychology, BS, Sam Houston State University, 1995; MS, Capella University, 2003; PhD, Capella University, 2010.

Wilson, Michael (2014) Lecturer of Communication Studies. BA, Studio Art, University of St. Thomas, 2005; MLA, Communication, University of St. Thomas, 2011.

Wilson, Robert G. (1991) Director of the UHD Civic Jazz Orchestra and Lecturer in Music. BA, Sam Houston State University, 1969; MA, 1970.

Winslow, Laura (2017) Lecturer of Drama. BA, Theatre and Dance, The University of Texas at Austin, 2010; MA, Costume Studies, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, 2012.

Wright, Martin K. (2007) Associate Professor of Management Information Systems. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1972; MBA, University of San Francisco, 1986; PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 1992.

Xie, Shishen (1990) Professor of Mathematics. BS, East China Normal University, China, 1982; MS, Texas Tech University, 1987; PhD, 1990.

Xu, Ling (2016) Assistant Professor of Computer Science. BS, Anhui University, 2001; MS, University of Saskatchewan; PhD, Carlton University, 2015.

Yancy, Alicia (2013) Assistant Professor of Accounting. BS, University of Houston, 1994; MBA, Rice University, 2006; PhD, University of Southern California, 2013.

Yoon, Jeong-Mi (1999) Professor of Mathematics. BS, Seoul National University, 1981; BS, 1984; MS, 1986; MS, University of California at Los Angeles, 1991; PhD, 1999.

Yu, Zhimin (2017) Assistant Professor of Accounting. BE, Northern Bejing Jiaotong University, 1994; MBA, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, 2002; MS, Brock University, 2012; PhD, University of Calgary, 2017.

Yuan, Shengli (2004) Professor of Computer Science. BS, Fudan University-Shanghai, 1991; MS, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1995; PhD, University of Texas at Dallas, 2004.

Zafiris, Vasilis (1999) Associate Professor of Mathematics. BS, Mississippi State University, 1984; MS, 1987; PhD, University of Houston, 1996.

Zhang, Ting (2016) Assistant Professor of Computer Science. BS, Tianjin University, 2008; MS, University of Texas at Brownsville, 2011; PhD, University of Alabama, 2016.

Zhang, Zhenyu (2014). Assistant Professor of Accounting. BS, University of Science and Technology of China, 2004; PhD, University of Houston, 2014.

Zhou, Bin (2012) Associate Professor of Management. BA, Foreign Affairs College, Beijing, 1999; MBA, Rutgers University, 2003; PhD, 2007.

Zhou, Zehai (2006) Associate Professor of Management Information Systems. BAgri, Agricultural University of Central China, 1982; MAgri, Beijing Forestry University, 1986; MS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1990; PhD, University of Arizona, 1996.