Bernardo Pohl, MAT Director
C440, 713-221-8502
The Master of Arts in Teaching, Curriculum and Instruction (with area of expertise), and the Master of Arts in Teaching with Certification (EC-6Core Subjects, 4-8 Generalist Core Subjects and Secondary Education) are designed to support existing teachers in advancing their expertise and to prepare future educators to teach in urban classrooms, respectively. The emphasis on urban teaching makes this graduate degree unique. To meet the special needs of all children in urban classrooms, students completing the MAT degree will demonstrate competency in the following areas of knowledge:
- Characteristics and needs of learners in multicultural settings.
- Effective teaching practices that enhance student achievement for all students, regardless of socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or language spoken.
- Factors related to the development of effective teaching environments in urban classrooms.
- Classroom-based research methodology to support best instructional practices.
- Enriched understanding of academic content areas of language arts, social studies, mathematics, the natural sciences, English as a second language, and educational technology.
Program Outcomes
Graduates who earn a MAT in Masters in Teaching will be able to:
- Demonstrate competency in the area of leadership.
- Demonstrate competency in the area of effective teaching practices that enhance student learning.
- Demonstrate competency in critical thinking and problem solving.
- Write effectively.
Admission Requirements
Admission to either MAT program is a competitive process and seeks to identify applicants who have the qualities necessary to complete the program with success and the potential to impact the field of education.
Complete a graduate application for admission at:
Be sure to indicate MAT and specify your area of expertise or certification seeking.
Provide official transcripts that reflect at least the last sixty semester hours of course work and evidence of a baccalaureate degree awarded from a regionally accredited institution. If you attended a college or university outside the U.S., your transcripts must be evaluated by a service recognized by UHD. Refer to the UHD website for a list of suggested credential evaluation services.
Submit Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores, which include quantitative, verbal and analytical writing. Candidates whose baccalaureate degree was earned more than 10 years ago must complete the GRE with minimum scores of 150 each on the quantitative and verbal sections, and a minimum score of 4 on the analytical writing section.
Submit a personal statement of a minimum of 700 words that describes your educational and professional backgrounds and how they will contribute to your success in the MAT program.
Include three MAT Recommendation letters from professionals acquainted with your academic and professional potential, such as a school principal, department coordinator or university professor.
Admissions interview after all other documentation is submitted.
PACT (Preadmission Content Test) is required for all applicants to the MAT with Teacher Certification program.
APPLICATION DUE DATES. The Application due date for MAT with Teacher Certification for a Fall semester start only is July 15th.The application due date for MAT in Curriculum and Instruction is July 15th for the Fall semester and November 15th for The Spring semester. Any questions regarding the admissions process should be directed to UHD graduate admissions or the College of Public Service Assistant Director for Graduate Studies.