Total Hours: 42
*In the first semester of attendance at UHD, if a student has not completed the 6 hours of the Component Area option requirement at a Texas college or university, the student will take either a course numbered UHD 1301-1308 or a course numbered UHD 2301-2308.
UHD 1301-1308 is intended for students who have:
- earned fewer than 30 SCHs of college work or
- not passed ENG 1301 , regardless of the number of SCHs earned.
UHD 2301-2308 is intended for students who have:
- earned at least 30 SCHs of college work and
- passed ENG 1301 .
Time Frame for Completing Common Core Requirements
The common core of the general education program is designed to provide students with the academic skills and knowledge that constitute the foundation of a baccalaureate education. The specialized course work taken in the major field of study builds upon this foundation, so it is necessary for students to complete core requirements early in their course of study.
Writing and computational skills are especially critical for future academic success. Therefore, In the first semester in which they are eligible to do so, students should enroll in a course that will satisfy the Communication requirement (ENG 1301 or ENG 1302 ), and a course that will satisfy the Mathematics requirement (MATH 1301 , MATH 1310 or STAT 1312 ), and students should continue to enroll in these courses until they have completed the core’s Communication and Mathematics requirements.
Students are encouraged to complete all other common core requirements before enrolling in any upper-division (3000-level and 4000-level) courses.