Mar 31, 2025
Education - Core Subjects Early Childhood - Sixth Grade with ESL Supplemental Certification, BA
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Major in Education
Major, Bachelor of Arts in Education The Bachelor of Arts in Education is a professional degree program for individuals who desire to become certified teachers in the State of Texas. To help our teacher candidates achieve their professional goals, program requirements include completion of coursework and required TExES certification exams. Admission to Department of Urban Education programs, and ability to participate in the professional sequence is the result of a successful Teacher Candidacy application and interview. Gators2Teachers Teacher candidates pursing a Bachelor of Arts in Education become a part of the Gators2Teachers (G2T) program once they apply to and are admitted into the educator preparation program. G2T includes a one-year student teaching experience. Teacher candidates participate in the four-semester professional development sequence (PDs), have one semester of field experience in PD II, and two semesters of student teaching in PD III and PD IV. Professional Development II (PED 4380) requires teacher candidates to complete a minimum of 60 hours of classroom field experience. Professional Development III/Student Teaching I (PED 4383) requires two to three days per week (approximately 40 days) of student teaching during the semester. The second semester of student teaching during PD IV represents a full semester, full-day student teaching experience. Through the G2T program, teacher candidates play an active role in the mentor teacher’s classroom and experience. Paraprofessional Pathway A teacher candidate employed as a paraprofessional in a local school district may opt to participate in the paraprofessional pathway if their work assignment meets department criteria and the campus administrator agrees to allow the teacher candidate to complete all field experience requirements on campus. To request permission to use a campus of employment for field experience hours during PDII (PED 4380) and PD III (PED 4381), one’s paraprofessional assignment must be active by the department deadline; align with the teacher candidate’s certification area; and the district campus administrator must provide written approval. Paraprofessionals who receive approval to follow the paraprofessional pathway will complete two semesters of field experience (PD II and PD III) and one semester of student teaching (PD IV). For the paraprofessional, PD II and PD III both require a minimum of 60 hours of classroom field experience. Professional Development IV represents a full semester, full-day student teaching experience. Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts in Education will select from among these certification programs: - Core Subjects Early Childhood-Sixth Grade with ESL Supplemental
- Core Subjects Early Childhood-Sixth Grade with Bilingual Supplemental
- Special Education EC-12 and Core Subjects Early Childhood-Sixth Grade with ESL Supplemental
- Core Subjects Fourth-Eighth Grade with ESL Supplemental
Preparatory Requirements (12 hours)
These courses are requirements for the degree and are in addition to the core curriculum. These courses fulfill the Preparatory Requirements for students in the Core Subjects Early Childhood-Sixth Grade with ESL Supplemental certification program. Academic Major Courses (24 hours)
These courses are preliminary requirements for the degree and are in addition to the core curriculum. These courses fulfill the Academic Major requirements in the Core Subjects Early Childhood-Sixth Grade with ESL Supplemental certification program. Professional Development Sequence (PDs) (45 hours)
Admission to the Department of Urban Education’s Gators2Teachers program, and ability to participate in the professional development sequence, is contingent upon a successful Teacher Candidacy application and interview. The Professional Development (PD)courses sequence is four semesters that require concurrent enrollment in specific courses in PD I-PD IV. The program requires one semester of field experience (PD II) and two semesters of student teaching (PD III-IV). Teacher candidates complete field experience I (PD II), student teaching I (PD III) and student teaching II (PD IV). Professional Development II (PED 4380) requires a minimum of 60 hours of classroom field experience. Student teaching I (PED 4383) requires 2-3 days per week (approximately 40 days) of student teaching. The second semester of student teaching, PD IV represents a full semester, full-day student teaching experience. A teacher candidate who works as a paraprofessional in a local school district may complete their field experience at their campus of employment with department approval. Paraprofessionals will complete two semesters of field experience (PD II-PD III) and one semester of student teaching. For the paraprofessional, PD II (PED 4380) and PD III (PED 4381) Professional Development II and III both require a minimum of 60 hours of classroom field experience. Professional Development IV represents a full semester, full-day student teaching experience. To request permission to use their campus of employment for field experience during PD II and PD III, the paraprofessional assignment must be active no later than the start of the PD II semester; align with the teacher candidate’s certification area; and the district campus administrator must provide written approval. To successfully complete each professional development semester, students must demonstrate mastery of the content. Thus, it is required that all preparatory and academic courses be completed before beginning the Professional Development semesters. Professional Development I (Initial Teacher Candidacy)
Prerequisites: Core Complete, admission to Teacher Education Program, and completion of all preparatory and academic major courses. Professional Development II (Field Experience I)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Professional Development I Concurrent enrollment in: Professional Development III (Field Experience II)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Professional Development II Concurrent enrollment in: Professional Development IV (Student Teaching)
These courses represent a full semester, full-day student teaching experience. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Professional Development I -III. Successful completion of all TExES certification exams. Please Note:
As state guidelines change, continual program revisions may occur. Teacher education programs are developed in response to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and Texas Education Agency (TEA) regulations and guidelines. Thus, course requirements and sequencing are subject to change. All students pursuing teacher certification plans must understand that the advising staff will make every effort to communicate program changes as they occur, but it is the responsibility of each student to stay apprised of any changes that may affect degree plans. Thus constant monitoring of plans is necessary, and students are urged to visit regularly with an academic advisor and to check the TEA website for teacher certification changes (http://www.tea.state.tx.us/). Total: (123 hours)
Total: (123 hours) |
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